Reza Hossein Borr
Your health largely depends on your thoughts. Your body is a source that can attract different things: good or bad. You can pour thousands of different products and data in it. What you insert in your body determines your health. Food and thoughts are equally important in building your body. If we say that your thoughts are your mind and if we say that your thoughts are determining the states of your body every second, you can realise how your body is affected by your mind. Your body affects your thoughts; and the way you think and what you think about affect your body, and the process of thinking creates the right condition for your health or your ill-health. Your thoughts create your health or your sickness; that is the case you need to understand and take responsibility for and and NLP has the tools to manage your mind.
At the same time, your health depends on your immune system. If your body feels good, it creates positive and pleasant emotions and pleasant emotions strengthen your immune system and your immune system protects you from different diseases. If your body does not feel good, mostly because of your thoughts, it generates negative and disturbing emotions which will make your body more vulnerable to diseases. Therefore it is very clear that your health depends largely on how you feel and how your feeling is affected by how you think
Here comes a new dimension in your life. You decide how to think because your thinking determines how you feel and your feeling determines your health. This generates a lot of responsibility for you because it is you and only you who are responsible for your health. Of course there are a lot of things that are out of your control. These things must be recognized. But these days what you do not know will cause you problems. What you do not know some other people now. Your refer to them in many cases like when you want to make a deal you go to a lawyer or when you want to have an account of your business, you go to an accountant and when you feel sick you go to a doctor. There are millions of doctors and there are millions of sick people who seek the advice of doctors. So if there is any problem you see the doctor. The problem is that you have to have sufficient knowledge of your body, your mind, your food, your work habits and your lifestyle because all of them affect your health in one way or another. If you do not know something it still affects you.
Since you have the choice of controlling and managing different ingredients that cause health improvement, you become responsible for managing your body and your mind in a way that you boost your immune system and increase your health. So your health begins by understanding the way you think and if in any case, you fell ill, you need to know different strategies, techniques and principles for recovering your health. Your health anyway is your responsibility. It is not the responsibility of the government, it is not responsibility of your parents or your children, it is not responsibility of your partners and it is not responsibility of your doctor. Your health is your responsibility and since you can improve your health, you have to improve it. Take decisions to recover and improve your health even more.
Your reliance on your doctor, your relatives and other sources for maintaining your health, is fatal a mistake. Reclaim your responsibility for your health and do not blame others for what you have made of your body and your mind. Your body and your mind are what you have made of them and therefore you are responsible for how they are. If you generate pleasant and positive feelings and emotions in your body and manage to retain them most of the time, your body will feel good most of the time and your healthy will be increased most of time. Your body needs pleasant sensations to retain your health. Give it the pleasant sensations and, in return, get your health. Use NLP to learn the art of self-healing. You can heal yourself.
Reza Hossein Borr is an NLP Master Trainer and a leadership consultant and the creator of 150 CDs and 14 Change management models. He is also the author of Manual Success, Manual of Coaching and Mentoring, Motivational Stories that Can Change Your Life, and a New Vision for the Islamic World. He can be contacted by
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